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© 2023 - ideaventuno by Giovanni Tommasi
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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

General conditions of service


Art. 1. Introduction
Ideaventuno by Giovanni Tommasi, based in Gazzada Schianno (Va) Via Dante Alighieri, 5 is the owner of Editor-Ideaventuno.
Editor-Ideaventuno is a site accessible to the public with which Users can create and manage Websites. In order to create, manage or obtain Websites, the user must have and manage a valid account by accepting this contract.

Art. 2. Acceptance of Agreement

2.1 The use of Editor-Ideaventuno for the creation and management of Websites is governed by a legal agreement stipulated between the user and/or User and Editor-Ideaventuno, which consists of the Terms of Service of Editor-Ideaventuno and in this Agreement. In order for the User to use Editor-Ideaventuno to create and manage their own Websites, the same must accept this Agreement by clicking on the "Register".

The user cannot create and manage Websites using Editor-Ideaventuno if he has not previously viewed and accepted this Agreement.

2.2 The user and/or User may not use Editor-Ideaventuno and enter into this Agreement if (a) they are not of legal age and, consequently, authorized to enter into a binding contract with Editor-Ideaventuno or (b) they are a person or entity who has been prohibited from using the Editor-Ideaventuno software under the laws of Italy, the United States or other countries, including the country of residence or from which they use the Editor-Ideaventuno software.

2.3 You represent and warrant that you have the full power, ability and authority to accept this Agreement. If you agree to be bound by this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity, you represent and warrant that you have full legal authority on behalf of your employer or such entity to enter into this Agreement. If he does not have the necessary authority, he cannot accept the Agreement or use Editor-Ideaventuno on behalf of the employer or entity in question.

Art. 3. Assistance
You will be solely responsible for providing support and maintenance services relating to your Websites and for any claims relating to them. The user's contact information relating to assistance must be displayed on each page created by the user, and made available to end users to allow them to request assistance. Failure to provide adequate assistance with reference to the user's Websites may lead, in some cases, to removal from Editor-Ideaventuno.

Art. 4. Use of Editor-Ideaventuno by the user
4.1 Without prejudice to the license rights granted by you pursuant to Section 5 below, Editor-Ideaventuno agrees not to obtain from you (or its licensors) any right, title or interest under this Agreement in relation to the Products, including the intellectual property rights inherent in such applications.

4.2 L’utente accetta di utilizzare il servizio Editor-Ideaventuno esclusivamente per le finalità ammesse (a) dal presente Contratto nonché (b) da qualsiasi legge o regolamento vigente oppure prassi o linea guida generalmente accettata nelle giurisdizioni di competenza (comprese ad esempio eventuali leggi relative all'esportazione di dati o software da e verso gli Stati Uniti o altri Paesi pertinenti).

4.3 In using the Editor-Ideaventuno service to create and manage Websites, the user undertakes to protect the privacy and legal rights of end users. If users communicate to the user, or the Website accesses or uses, usernames, passwords or other access data or personal data, the user is obliged to inform the end users that he or the Website will access the aforementioned information, as well as to provide the end users with protection and a privacy policy that complies with the requirements established by law. In addition, the Website may use end user information only for the limited purposes for which the end user has granted permission to the user. If the user stores, including through the Website, personal or sensitive data provided by end users, such storage must take place in accordance with security measures and only for the necessary period of time. If you have entered into a separate agreement with you that permits you or the Website you produce to store or use personal or sensitive information directly related to the Website (excluding other products or applications), your use of such information will be governed by the terms of that separate agreement. If the end user provides the user, also through the Website, details about his Editor-Ideaventuno account, the user may use the aforementioned details, also through his Website, to access the end user's Editor-Ideaventuno account only when and within the limits in which the user has granted authorization for this purpose.

4.4 Prohibited Activities and Liability:
4.4.1 The User undertakes not to carry out any activity within the Editor-Ideaventuno service, including the development or publication of Websites or other materials, which violates the Editor-Ideaventuno program regulation or which:
knowingly violates the terms of service of a third party, violates any applicable law or regulation, interferes with, interrupts, damages, or gains unauthorized access to the computers, hardware, devices, servers, networks, data, or other property or services owned by any third party, including, without limitation, Editor-Ideavenuno users and any network operator, or makes you uncomfortable using the service by posting repetitive content or misleading information about an application's purpose violates the intellectual property rights of others, allows unauthorized downloading of media or streaming content, displays (via text, images, video or other media) or directs to: illegal content, violations of personal privacy or the right to publicity, content that interferes with the operation of another party's servers, networks, or services, incitement to hatred or violence, violations of intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights (help to read Google's Digital Millennium Copyright Act), trademarks, secrets industrial or other proprietary rights of any party, materials not suitable for minors or pornography, obscenity, nudity or sex scenes.

4.4.2 The user agrees not to access (or attempt to access) the Editor-Ideaventuno service by any means other than the interface provided by Editor-Ideaventuno S.R.L. unipersonale, unless specifically authorized by another agreement stipulated with the latter.

4.4.3 The user cannot divert end users or provide links to other sites that imitate Editor-Ideaventuno or pretend to be Editor-Ideaventuno.

For the avoidance of doubt, you may offer the Websites as access points to paid services for which customers have registered and for which they have expressly provided payment information.

4.4.4 The User's Product Website may not use or contain the NPAPI plug-in unless the User has prior authorization from Editor-Ideaventuno for such use.

4.5 The user agrees to be solely responsible for all the Websites created by him and managed with Editor-Ideaventuno and for the consequences of his actions (including any damages or losses suffered by Editor-Ideaventuno di Giovanni Tommasi or by third parties) and for this effect indemnifying Editor-Ideaventuno S.r.l. from any liability in any way connected to such actions towards the user and third parties.
4.6 The user agrees to be solely responsible for any failure to fulfill his obligations deriving from this Contract, from existing contracts with third parties or third party terms of service, from the application of laws or regulations in force and also for the consequences of the violation of the same (including any damages or losses suffered by Editor-Ideaventuno di Giovanni Tommasi or by third parties), as well as that Editor-Ideaventuno di Giovanni Tommasi is not liable in any way towards the user and third parties for such violations.

4.7 Product Ratings.
4.7.1. Editor-Ideaventuno will allow end users to express their own judgment with respect to the Websites. Editor-Ideaventuno may use or publish performance data, such as data relating to the percentage of views, to identify or remove Websites that do not meet the acceptable standards determined by Editor-Ideaventuno and reserves the right to display the Websites to users in ways determined at its sole discretion.

4.7.2. The Websites produced by the user may be the subject of judgments that the user may not share.
The user can contact Editor-Ideaventuno if he has any questions or doubts about the judging method.

4.8 Marketing of the Product.
You will be responsible for maintaining your Websites, providing end users with the necessary information on the Website, and accurately communicating the security permissions necessary for the Websites to operate on your end users' computers, hardware or other devices.

Art. 5. Licenses
5.1 The developer grants Editor-Ideaventuno a free, non-exclusive and valid worldwide license to host, create links, copy, translate, perform and publicly display, test, distribute and otherwise use the Websites and the contents present in, available from or transmitted through the Websites.

5.2 The developer grants Editor-Ideaventuno a non-exclusive, valid worldwide and perpetual license to run, display and use the Websites and the contents present in, available from or transmitted through the Websites hosted by Editor-Ideaventuno. The user has the opportunity to choose whether to include on his Website a different end user license agreement (EULA) which will regulate the rights of the same user with reference to the license of the product.

5.3 Editor-Ideaventuno may make use of consultants and other appointees with reference to the execution of the obligations and exercise of the rights provided for in this Contract, provided that the aforementioned consultants and appointees are bound by the same obligations to which Editor-Ideaventuno S.r.l.

5.4 Editor-Ideaventuno declares and guarantees that it is the owner of, and maintain, all the rights necessary to grant the licenses relating to the Websites and the contents present therein, available or transmitted through the Websites to Editor-Ideaventuno, its affiliates and end users of the Websites.

5.5 Without prejudice to the license rights granted in this Agreement, (a) you retain all rights in and to the Websites, and (b) each party retains all rights it holds independent of this Agreement, including rights it holds under the U.S. Copyright Act of the United States or similar laws of other jurisdictions. Editor-Ideaventuno acknowledges and agrees that under this agreement, it will not obtain from the user (or its licensors) any right, title or interest in the content posted, published, transmitted or displayed on or through the Websites, including any intellectual property right inherent in such content (whether or not such rights are registered and wherever in the world they exist). Unless otherwise agreed in writing with Editor-Ideaventuno, the user agrees to be responsible for the protection and enforcement of these rights and that Editor-Ideaventuno has no obligation to do so on behalf of the User.

Art. 6. Distinctive elements of the brand and editorial advertising.
6.1 "Brand Features" means the trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other brand features of each party, owned by (or licensed by) such party as necessary.

6.2 Each party holds all right, title and interest, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights, relating to its Brand Features. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, neither party grants, nor does the other acquire, any right, title or interest (including, without limitation, any implied licenses) in the other party's Brand Features. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the user grants Editor-Ideaventuno and its affiliates a limited and non-exclusive license for the duration of this Agreement to display the distinctive elements of the user's brand in order to use them in relation to the Editor-Ideaventuno service and fulfill one's obligations arising from this Agreement. Nothing set forth in this Agreement gives the user the right to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names or other distinctive elements of the Editor-Ideaventuno brand.

6.3 Editorial Advertising.
Editor-Ideaventuno and its affiliates may include your Brand Features, screenshots, videos and demonstrations of the websites you produce and content on, available from, or transmitted through the same Websites in presentations, marketing materials and events, user events, financial statements, website listings (including links to your website), press releases and customer lists (including, without limitation, customer lists posted on Editor-Ideaventuno's websites) for the purpose of marketing re the Editor-Ideaventuno Gallery, the Editor-Ideaventuno products and services or advertise the User's Website. Editor-Ideaventuno grants the user a limited, non-exclusive, effective worldwide and free license to use the Distinctive Elements of the Editor-Ideaventuno brand for the period of validity of this Agreement exclusively for advertising purposes and only in accordance with the Editor-Ideaventuno brand guidelines.

Art. 7. Removal, inspection and updates of the Products.
7.1 Removal by you.
The user can remove his Websites from Editor-Ideaventuno in such a way that they are not manageable and managed in the future through Editor-Ideaventuno at any time, but must comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to each Website managed through Editor-Ideaventuno.

The removal of the user's Websites from Editor-Ideaventuno in such a way that they are no longer distributed through Editor-Ideaventuno does not (a) entail the termination or modification of the license rights attributed to the end users who have previously used the Websites or (b) does not entail the removal of the Websites from the computers, hardware or other devices of the end users or from any section of Editor-Ideaventuno where information relating to the Website is stored.

7.2 Control and removal by Editor-Ideaventuno.
Editor-Ideaventuno has no obligation to monitor the Websites or their contents, but may at any time check or test the User's Websites and the related source code to verify that they comply with the terms of this Agreement, the regulation of the Editor-Ideaventuno program/service and any other term, obligation, law or regulation in force, and may use automatic methods to carry out such checks.
Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the right to refuse to manage and/or register a Website at its sole discretion.
Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the right to remove and/or obscure websites that make use of redirects and/or inserted within iframes.
In case of default, the site may be blocked.
The user may be asked for personal identification or contact data as part of the registration procedure with Editor-Ideaventuno or the continuous use of the related Services.
The User/User agrees to provide Editor-Ideaventuno with data that is always accurate, correct and updated. As part of the specification relating to the Website, Editor-Ideaventuno may require the user to include information such as their name and e-mail address in the presentation of the Website. Editor-Ideaventuno could use this information for the presentation of the Website in its directory or for other uses.
If Editor-Ideaventuno is informed by the user or becomes aware in other ways and evaluates at its sole discretion that a user/User's Website, a part of it or the distinctive elements of the user's brand:
(a) violate the intellectual property rights or any other right of any third party;
(b) violate applicable laws or are subject to a court order;
(c) contain pornographic, obscene material or otherwise violate Editor-Ideaventuno's hosting rules or other terms of service which may be updated by Editor-Ideaventuno from time to time at its sole discretion;
(d) is incorrectly published or distributed;
(e) may give rise to liability for Editor-Ideaventuno or third parties;
(f) contain in the opinion of Editor-Ideaventuno Di Giovanni Tommasivirus or are considered by Editor-Ideaventuno malware, spyware or harmful to the network of Editor-Ideaventuno or third parties;
(g) violate the terms of this Agreement or the regulation of the Editor-Ideaventuno program;
(h) damage the integrity of the Editor-Ideaventuno servers (i.e. users are unable to access content or encounter difficulties)
Editor-Ideaventuno may prevent you from viewing the Website, remove the Website from your system, deactivate or remotely remove it from your systems or devices, or flag, filter and edit related materials (including, without limitation, descriptions, screenshots or metadata) or re-categorize the Website in its sole discretion.
The user can contact Editor-Ideaventuno if he has questions or doubts regarding a removal measure.
Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the right to suspend or prevent access to any Website of the system at its sole discretion.

Art. 8. User credentials
8.1 The user agrees to be responsible for the confidentiality of the credentials that can be issued to him by Editor-Ideaventuno or that can be chosen by the user himself. You further agree that you are solely responsible for all applications developed based on your credentials.

8.2 Editor-Ideaventuno can limit the number of Web Sites that the user/User, Editor-Ideaventuno or the organization for which he works can create and manage.

8.3 Editor-Ideaventuno may, in its sole discretion, suspend or terminate the user / User's right to manage Websites through Editor-Ideaventuno for any reason, including, without limitation: (a) violation of the Contract or of the regulation of the Editor-Ideaventuno program or (b) violation of any intellectual property right, including copyright. For more information on Editor-Ideaventuno's copyright policies, read the information presented here.

Art.9 – Suspension and deactivation of the service
9.1. Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the right to suspend and/or interrupt the use of the Platform or services or to disconnect (temporarily or permanently) the Customer's account and this without acknowledgment of any reimbursement indemnity and/or compensation, if it becomes aware or determines, in its sole unquestionable judgment, that the Customer has violated or is violating the provisions of the previous articles 6,7 and 13, as well as the current legislation (including Legislative Decree no. 19 6/2003), notifying the Customer by e-mail.

9.2. Editor-Ideaventuno also reserves the right to suspend (temporarily or definitively) the use of the service if it becomes aware or believes, in its sole unquestionable judgment, that one of the following circumstances has occurred or is occurring: a) use of the service which determines a situation of danger or instability of the server such as to cause damage to the Editor-Ideaventuno; b) anomalous traffic or such as to prevent the normal provision of the service in favor of other customers; c) if the public authority or other third parties communicate to the Editor-Ideaventuno an illicit, improper or non-compliant use of the service etiquette rules by the Customer; d) violate the intellectual property rights or any other rights of third parties; e) contain pornographic, obscene material or otherwise violate the rules of the Editor-Ideaventuno on hosting or other terms of service; f) are published or distributed incorrectly; g) may give rise to liability for the Editor-Ideaventuno or third parties; (h) contain in the opinion of the Editor-Ideaventuno viruses or are considered by the Editor-Ideaventuno malware, spyware or harmful to the network of the Editor-Ideaventuno or third parties; (i) violate the terms of this Agreement.

9.3. Editor-Ideaventuno may block the display of the website, remove the website from its system, remotely disable or remove it from the Customer's systems or devices, or flag, filter and edit related materials (including, without limitation, descriptions, screenshots or metadata) or reclassify the website in its sole discretion.

9.4. Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the right to suspend or prevent access to any Website of the system at its sole discretion.

9.5. In any case, Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the right to take any recourse and/or compensation action or in any case provided for by the law on the person responsible for said violations or the right to exercise the termination clause.

Art.10 – Duration
10.1. The parties agree that the contract will have an annual duration which will start from the activation of the service.

10.2. The parties agree that on the date of natural expiry of the contract, the same will be tacitly renewed for the same duration, and so from year to year, unless terminated by one of the parties communicated to the other by e-mail sent at least 60 days before expiry, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties during the validity of the contract.

10.3. In order to avoid service interruptions (represented by mere example by the failure to renew the domain in good time, etc.) the automatic payment system may proceed to debit, from the payment systems already chosen by the Customer, the amount of the cost of the service up to 31 days before the expiry date of the contract.
In the event that the debit attempts are unsuccessful, Editor-Ideaventuno assumes no responsibility for damages, direct and/or indirect, deriving from the non-renewal of all the services purchased, including from third parties, which provide for an annual renewal.

10.4. In any case, the automatic renewal will not be effective if the fee for the service has not been collected by the Editor-Ideaventuno at least 5 (five) days before the expiry of the contract.

Art. 11. Privacy and information
11.1 In order to continuously improve and innovate the Editor-Ideaventuno service, Editor-Ideaventuno may collect some statistical data relating to the use of the Editor-Ideaventuno program and of users' computers, devices or other hardware, including, by way of example, information on how to use the Editor-Ideaventuno program and the Websites created with it and hosted on it.

11.2 The data collected is examined as a whole to improve the Editor-Ideaventuno program for the benefit of Users and Developers and is kept in accordance with the Privacy Policy applied to Editor-Ideaventuno. To ensure the improvement of the Websites, some aggregated data may be made available to the user upon written request.

Art.12 - Consideration and payment methods
The cost charged to the customer must be considered annual. It can be paid in a single annual payment.

Art.12.1 - Obligations of the parties and cases of exclusion of liability

12.2 The Customer acknowledges that Editor-Ideaventuno does not have the ability to exercise any control over the content of the page and/or website covered by the service and that therefore it cannot in any way be responsible for the non-use of the service or for the failure or malfunction of the material owned by the Customer.

12.3. The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that the use of the service and the dissemination and conservation of information obtained or granted through the Platform or the services are carried out at his own and exclusive risk and that the same is solely and exclusively responsible for any damage to his computer or for the loss of data deriving from having used the service.

12.4. The Customer declares to have read the characteristics of the type of service selected as better described on the web page

12.4. Editor-Ideaventuno does not give any type of guarantee, express or implied, of merchantability, compatibility or suitability for a particular purpose of the Customer or third parties and, moreover, does not give any guarantee regarding the fact that the service corresponds to the requirements and needs of the Customer.

12.5. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Editor-Ideaventuno does not give any guarantee regarding the results that can be obtained with the use of the service, regarding any software and hardware errors of the service or inherent to the reliability of any information obtained by the user through the service.

12.6. Editor-Ideaventuno cannot be held responsible for any direct and/or indirect damage deriving from the use of the service or from the interruption of the functioning of the service. Editor-Ideaventuno does not provide any guarantee regarding the quality of the materials, goods or services sold, purchased or otherwise obtained by the user through the service or following any transactions made through the service itself. The provisions of this point remain valid even after the expiry of the contract.

Art. 13 - Early withdrawal
13.1. The parties agree that the Customer may unilaterally withdraw from the contract by sending the appropriate form duly completed and signed to Editor-Ideaventuno (downloadable here), together with a copy of the personal identity document or its legal representative with a notice of thirty (30) days which will be followed by the deactivation of the access credentials to the Platform or to the services with the termination of the same.

13.2 If the Customer exercises this right, Editor-Ideaventuno will in any case be entitled to withhold the entire amount paid by the Customer as an annual fee for the service which will be understood to be charged as consideration for the withdrawal even for the unused service period. In the event that the annual fee at the time of withdrawal has not been paid in full, Editor-Ideaventuno will still have the right to demand payment even for the unused period of service.

Art. 14 - Withdrawal of the Consumer
The Customer who acts as a Consumer pursuant to article 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, may exercise the right of withdrawal in the forms and methods provided for by article 52 of the Consumer Code within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of completion of the Contract. Specifically, the Consumer may withdraw by sending the appropriate form duly completed and signed to the Editor-Ideaventuno (downloadable here).
Pursuant to article 59 co.1 lett. C) in relation to articles 52 to 58 of the Consumer Code, the exercise of the right of withdrawal is excluded for goods and services made to measure and clearly personalized. This includes personalized domains and sites created on behalf of the customer through the Editor-Ideaventuno service.
In the event that the Consumer has benefited from discounts and promotions when subscribing, he will not be entitled to any refund.

Art. 15 Termination of Agreement
Editor-Ideaventuno may, at any time, terminate this Agreement with the user, User and/or end User, by way of example and not exclusively, if:
(A) you, User and/or End User have violated any provision of this Agreement;
(B) Editor-Ideaventuno is required to do so by law;
(C) Editor-Ideaventuno decides to no longer provide any service.

15.1 Following the termination of this Agreement, Editor-Ideaventuno will cease to distribute the Website of the user, User and/or End User, but may keep and use copies of the Website for support purposes relating to the Editor-Ideaventuno service.

Art. 16. Disclaimer of Warranties
16.1 The Editor-Ideaventuno service is provided "as is" and "as available", with the exclusion, by way of example, of any guarantee relating to the timing, frequency or implementation of the distribution of user product updates.

16.2 The use of the Editor-Ideaventuno program and any material downloaded or obtained in any other way through the use of Editor-Ideaventuno by the user and/or User, is at its sole discretion and at its sole risk and the user and/or User is solely responsible for any damage caused to his computer or other device and for the loss of data deriving from such use.

16.3 Editor-Ideaventuno does not provide any guarantee, explicit or implicit, including, by way of example, the implied guarantees and the conditions of merchantability, of absence of fitness for a particular purpose.

Art. 17. Limitation of Liability
The User and/or End User expressly agrees that Editor-Ideaventuno, its associated and affiliated distributors and licensors, are not liable to the user of the Editor-Ideaventuno service, for any direct, indirect, accidental, special, consequential or exemplary damage that may be suffered and whatever the cause and the presumed liability.
This disclaimer includes any loss of data, even if Editor-Ideaventuno or its representatives have been advised or ought to have known of the possibility of such loss.

Art. 18. Indemnification Obligations
To the extent permitted by law, you, the User and/or End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Editor-Ideaventuno, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from any claim, action, lawsuit or proceeding and from any loss, liability, damage, cost and expense (including legal fees) deriving (a) from the use of the Editor-Ideaventuno service by the user and/or User, in violation of this Agreement, of the Editor-Idea program rules twenty-one or any applicable law or regulation, (b) from infringement via the Website of any person's copyright, trademark, trade secret, trade book, patent or other intellectual property right, (c) from defamatory activity of any person or from violation of his or her personality or privacy rights, and (d) from third-party claims arising out of or relating to the Website or the use of the Editor-Ideaventuno service.

Art. 19. Changes to the Agreement
19.1 Editor-Ideaventuno may occasionally make changes to this Agreement.
If these changes are made, Editor-Ideaventuno will make a new copy of the Agreement available on the Editor-Ideaventuno website at It is the responsibility of the user, User and/or End User to periodically check the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The changes will become effective and will be considered accepted by the user and/or User, (a) immediately for those who become Developers and/or Users after the change, or (b) for those who are already Developers and/or Users, Editor-Ideaventuno will provide 30 (thirty) days notice within which the changes will become effective (subject to changes required by law which will be immediately effective).

19.2 The user and/or User, having received notification via e-mail of the modification made unilaterally by Editor-Ideaventuno to the contract, will have the right to withdraw from the Service by sending a simple request e-mail to the address

Art. 20. General Legal Terms
20.1 This Contract constitutes the entire legal agreement stipulated between the user, the User and/or End User and Editor-Ideaventuno, governs the use of the Editor-Ideaventuno program and service by the same and completely replaces any previous contract stipulated between them and Editor-Ideaventuno in relation to the Editor-Ideaventuno program and service. The Agreement with Editor-Ideaventuno, the regulation of the Editor-Ideaventuno program and service and the Terms of Service will be applied in the order indicated if there are inconsistencies between them, to the extent of such inconsistencies.

20.2 The User, User and/or End User accepts that the failure by Editor-Ideaventuno to exercise or apply any legal right or remedy provided for in this Agreement (or from which Editor-Ideaventuno benefits under any law in force) will not be considered as a formal waiver of the rights of Editor-Ideaventuno S.r.l. and that such rights or remedies will remain available to Editor-Ideaventuno.

20.3 If a Court, having legal jurisdiction in the matter, decrees that a provision of this Agreement is invalid, that provision will be removed without any effect on the other terms of the Agreement. The remaining provisions of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.

20.4 The User, User and/or End User acknowledges and accepts that each company of the group of which Editor-Ideaventuno is the main company will be a third party beneficiary of the rights deriving from this Contract and that these companies will have the right to apply directly and to rely on any provision of the Contract which confers them an advantage or confers rights in their favour. Other than them, no other person or company will be a third party beneficiary of this Agreement.

20.5 Export Restrictions.
The Websites available in the Editor-Ideaventuno system may be subject to controls or restrictions on exports imposed by the European Union. The user, the User and/or End User undertakes to comply with all export laws and regulations in force in the European Union. These laws include restrictions on destinations, end users, and end use.

20.6 The rights granted through this Contract cannot be assigned or transferred by any party (Developer and/or User or Editor-Ideaventuno) without the prior written consent of the other party. Neither the user nor Editor-Ideaventuno will be able to delegate their responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

20.7 This Contract and the relationship between the user and Editor-Ideaventuno established by the Contract will be governed by the laws of the State in which Editor-Ideaventuno is located, without considering the rules of private international law. The user and Editor-Ideaventuno agree to accept as exclusive jurisdiction that of the Court headquartered by Editor-Ideaventuno, for the resolution of any legal issue arising from this Agreement. Notwithstanding, you agree that Editor-Ideaventuno is still entitled to seek injunctive relief (or an equivalent type of urgent legal remedy) in any jurisdiction.

20.8 The obligations set out in Sections 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18 and 20 will remain effective even after the expiration or termination of this Agreement.




Pursuant to these regulations, "additional services" are to be understood as services that can be activated and requested only by "PRO" customers (those who have already subscribed to a professional service).

By clicking on the "access the service" button, you declare that you are legally capable of stipulating the corresponding contract and the following general conditions of contract are understood to have been accepted, where not expressly regulated, they refer to the application of the general conditions of the Editor-Ideaventuno Pro Service and subordinately to the Italian Civil Code.

PRIVACY POLICY DRAFTING: Editor-Ideaventuno will make available to the user a tool which, having scanned each component on the website, will create an ad hoc Privacy Policy suitable for the site, in compliance with current regulations. This Service is subject to withdrawal within 15 days of its subscription in favor of the so-called Customer. Consumer only until said service is provided. The Service, once provided, will remain active with a continuous updating function of the content of the Privacy Policy, following both any regulatory changes and any additions/removals of components by the customer himself on the website. The service also includes the inclusion of information on the cookies used, the inclusion of a checkbox on the newsletter components and contact forms so that the end user is aware of their data and can accept their treatment. Editor-Ideaventuno assumes no responsibility for the use of data obtained from the user.

SEO: Editor-Ideaventuno will provide advice on the best strategies to use to optimize the site's positioning in search engines. This Service is subject to withdrawal within 15 days of its subscription in favor of the so-called Customer. Consumer only until said service is provided. The Service will be provided by carrying out a careful analysis of the site for which it is requested and by sending a report with the changes to be made to the site itself. Editor-Ideaventuno does not assume any guarantee on the degree of optimization obtainable through this Service.

PROTECT YOUR BRAND: Editor-Ideaventuno makes available to its Clients the tools to check which extensions (e.g. .it, .net, .eu, etc.) are still available for the domain that is already in use. This Service is subject to withdrawal within 15 days of its subscription in favor of the so-called Customer. Consumer only until it is dispensed. The cost of registering the extensions chosen by the Customer is at his sole expense. Since the search for extensions does not have a booking effect on them, Editor-Ideaventuno does not assume any guarantee regarding their effective availability between the moment in which the search results are made available to the Customer and the one in which the Customer proceeds with their purchase.

YOUR LOGO: with this Service, Editor-Ideaventuno offers personalized advice in relation to the improvement of the Logo chosen by the Customer. Editor-Ideaventuno does not assume any guarantee regarding the results obtainable with this Service. This Service is subject to withdrawal within 15 days of its subscription in favor of the so-called Customer. Consumer only until it is dispensed.

YOUR APPLICATION: with this additional service, Editor-Ideaventuno provides its customers with the tools to create applications that work on mobile devices in an android or apple environment. The cost of this service is payable at the time of subscription. For Customers who fall within the definition of Consumers, there is the possibility of withdrawing from the contract within 15 days of signing it. Withdrawal will result in the cancellation of all applications that have been completed in the meantime. Editor-Ideaventuno does not assume any guarantee regarding the correct functionality and contents of the application compiled by the Customer, who remains solely responsible for all possible guarantees due to third parties for the use of the application or its contents. The Customer will be liable to Editor-Ideaventuno for all damages deriving from the creation and/or dissemination of the applications created with this Service. Editor-Ideaventuno reserves the unquestionable right to cancel, even temporarily, applications that are the subject of reports from third parties (Public Authorities, Private Individuals, Associations) relating to the lawfulness, morality and/or opportunity of the content, purpose and/or use of the applications created with this Service.

SOCIAL: with this Service Editor-Ideaventuno provides consultancy in "social managing" which includes a series of recommendations relating to strategies, contents and products to be published on social media. Editor-Ideaventuno does not assume any guarantee regarding the results obtainable with this Service, but its many years of experience in this field is an indication of the reliability of the communication strategies prepared for the Client's needs. You can request the "basic" plan for this Service. Within the subscription month, 4 posts (1 per week) will be produced on one of the following Social Media: Facebook, Instagram or Google+. To create editorial plans other than the "basic" plan, a proposal will be formulated with an ad hoc price, based on the needs of the end user.


The Customer/User declares to have read the terms and GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SERVICE from point 1 to point 20 and the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS "ADDITIONAL SERVICES" FOR PAYMENT and to accept and sign them in full.